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5 Tips to Lower Your Credit Card Processing

March 29th, 2018

Save Money

In today’s market, every dollar counts! You want to make sure to maximize your savings. Here’s 5 tips to lower your payment processing!

  1. Check your statement at least once a year. Funny I know, but most don’t even do it that often!
  2. Make sure your account is priced at Interchange Plus or Cost Plus pricing. In most cases, this will be the best fit
  3. Don’t lock yourself into a long term contract. Unless you are tied to a POS system, make sure your account is set to month to month
  4. Don’t lease credit card terminals! This was the old standard in the industry. These terminals are not that expensive! Buy them outright!
  5. Choose Rocky Mountain Credit Card for your credit card processing! (We had to throw that in there)